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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Time Travellers...Sacred Ancient Odinist Trees

An ancient bristle cone pine tree in snowy desert in the White Mountains of California.. This tree is called the  Methusaleh Tree and is approximately 5,000 years old...There was once an even more ancient bristle cone pine named Prometheus nearby, but a scientist accidentally cut it down....
We Odinists love trees. In fact our legend tells us that our sacred race is born from them. We believe that they are embued with spirit, as are all lifeforms on this planet, and that this world is alive. Even in the face of all the beauty of the Earth, a tree is literally the axis of our Universe, a celestial one.. The  greatest of trees have, since time immemorial,  served as a focus for our spiritual growth and worship, and as a source of wisdom, and they are very sacred to us.
The Norway spruce is often traditionally used as Yule tree in Northern Europe and a number  of ancient  spruces in Scandinavia which are even more ancient than the Methusalah Bristlecone Pine, have been found there, and these spruces date to as much as 8,000 years old. Recently, another Norway spruce, from an even more remote time in the past, was discovered at 2,985 feet (910 meters) atop Fulu Mountain, in  the Dalarna Province of Sweden. This ancient tree is the single oldest tree on our planet thus far discovered.. It has been named Tjikko  and is an astounding 10,000 years old...
This great tree actually saw the end of the last ice age! It would have stood witness for scenes we can barely imagine. Vistas of ice are far as eye can see would have loomed like an otherworldly lake in its presence when young, ancient mammoths no doubt nibbled at its vegetation while foraging, and early men and women may have sheltered under its branches. What remains now is its ancient root, from which a younger looking tree has grown as a clone, and indeed, this tree must have seem many setbacks during its lifetime, which is almost immortal by our reckoning, but it is still the same tree, and older than it looks. (-;
Our Oldest Tree....
May add more ancient trees later...

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