Imagine that a certain tribe is not able to advance to the same standard
we are, even if they tried by honest means and effort , which they are not
wont to do. Since they can never be us, and they envy, and yes, hate, us, the next
best thing is to destroy us by taking advantage of our compassion, or
weaknesses, usually through subterfuge. Here are some of the ways they go about
Warning..the following will be from the point of view of a normal
self- identifying European who sees things from her own point of view…This is
not “racism”. Every tribe sees things from its own point of view.
“Education”: Brainwashing white Europeans to hate their own
people and tolerate abuse from others. When I was 6 years old, I was told by my Jewish teacher, that I had to put a Jewish star on my Yule tree card so as not to "hurt anyone's feelings". When I did not do so, she became furious. The little boy in this video clip has a similiar challenge.
“Building bridges”: Allowing other people to take away the
bridges your ancestors built because it is politically correct to destroy your own
“Diversity”: The elimination of diversity by destroying the
richness of individual races and thereby reducing all peoples to raceless cultureless,
goyim with no identity, except for jews of course. Fact: We Europeans have gone
from 30 percent globally to 7 percent and will soon be extinct if nothing is done.
“Racism”: a term invented by a Marxist jew to justify
destruction of European peoples and weaken their self protective instincts and
identity as a people. It is applied ONLY to Europeans. It is used as a method
of control when any European dares to see anything from his own point of view
or try to protect himself or his people.
Nazi: A European person who does not actively hate his own race.
Civil Rights Hero: For example, a plagiarizing, Marxist jew
funded, non- European person who hates whites, such as Martin Luther King,
although part of this could apply to Obama too. In case you do not know what I am talking about you may wish to look here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EELhEguhU8M
Affirmative Action: Taking jobs away from European people who
have better qualifications because they have gone to the trouble of earning
them despite not having been given scholarships the vast majority of the time
due to further discrimination against them because of their color. For example, the "Bill and Melinda Gates Cambridge Scholarships" provide places for students of any nationality EXCEPT for white Europeans.
This means that Europeans must expend an unfair amount of resources and effort to obtain credentials, which do not go as far in the job market, again because of bias against them due to their color. Instead of giving jobs and scholarships to those who have earned them through their own hard work, merit or natural ability, regardless of color, jobs and other benefits are typically given to non- whites with lesser qualifications. Occasionally those who are married to non whites or who, though white themselves, espouse liberal white- hating views also can materially benefit from the popularity of anti- white hatred.
By contrast, non- white people obtain scholarships they have not earned, and often do not even complete degrees statistically, and therefore do not even take advantage of these unfair opportunities. However, it is not necessary for them to do so since they are given jobs regardless of lack of merit, or of hard work and in the absence of earned qualifications or natural ability as well, on a frequent basis, simply because they are not European. Sometimes those selected are not even capable of performing these jobs.
Here is a recent example of the above.. a case in which a test for promotions amongst firefighters is being scraped because not enough minorities passed it.
This means that Europeans must expend an unfair amount of resources and effort to obtain credentials, which do not go as far in the job market, again because of bias against them due to their color. Instead of giving jobs and scholarships to those who have earned them through their own hard work, merit or natural ability, regardless of color, jobs and other benefits are typically given to non- whites with lesser qualifications. Occasionally those who are married to non whites or who, though white themselves, espouse liberal white- hating views also can materially benefit from the popularity of anti- white hatred.
By contrast, non- white people obtain scholarships they have not earned, and often do not even complete degrees statistically, and therefore do not even take advantage of these unfair opportunities. However, it is not necessary for them to do so since they are given jobs regardless of lack of merit, or of hard work and in the absence of earned qualifications or natural ability as well, on a frequent basis, simply because they are not European. Sometimes those selected are not even capable of performing these jobs.
Here is a recent example of the above.. a case in which a test for promotions amongst firefighters is being scraped because not enough minorities passed it.
The MACRO VIEW: Totally avoiding reason, fairness and honor by
simply suggesting one is being “big”, when actually what one is being is a
collaborator who simply cannot deal with the truth.
“Privileged”: This can be translated to “smarter” or “more
motivated” usually. This is a mechanism by which a person who has a far higher
IQ than what is now average and who is white, or whose parents worked hard or
sacrificed for him is supposed to feel guilty for being smarter or harder
working than someone who nature made less intelligent or capable, as though it
were wrong or evil to be hardworking, successful and responsible, but again,
this is ONLY if one is a European. If a jew or a black receives a postion or honor through nepotism and anti-white hatred rather than merit, he or she is praised to the skies.
“Multicultural”: this is a euphemism for “multi-racial”. The
process of Jewish orchestrated non- European immigration can, for example, be
presented as being "enriching" and not about replacing one race with
other races and eliminating it, which is what it really is about.
All non- European immigration to primarily European
countries that I have found thus far has been Jewish legislated or led. In
Israel, by contrast, Africans are being sent to separate schools and deported
because of their race.
“Neo Con” A jew who has succeeded in destroying a European
society by being a liberal and has maneuvered himself into a position in which he
wants goyim to go to war for Israel and therefore takes on a “conservative”
"Israel- Firster" This is a person of jewish ethnicity who considers his first loyalty to be to Israel rather than the nation he was born in..a sort of ethnic, rather than national, partiotism if you will. An example is Jonathan Pollard, who was born in the United States and worked for the US government, but who used his security clearance to betray America's interests and people and steal more secrets than any other spy in history and give them to Israel. As far as I am aware, I am the first person ever to have used this term and I am *delighted* to see that it has spread.
"Israel- Firster" This is a person of jewish ethnicity who considers his first loyalty to be to Israel rather than the nation he was born in..a sort of ethnic, rather than national, partiotism if you will. An example is Jonathan Pollard, who was born in the United States and worked for the US government, but who used his security clearance to betray America's interests and people and steal more secrets than any other spy in history and give them to Israel. As far as I am aware, I am the first person ever to have used this term and I am *delighted* to see that it has spread.
“Level Playing Field”- Means “unlevel playing field” made artificially
unequal to unfairly favor non- Europeans and discriminate against and eliminate
non- Europeans.
“Scales needing to tip the other way” The extraordinary jewish
idea is promoted to small, helpless white children in school, including yours truly. It goes something like this...For some
reason, after our people have been duped by the lies of communist jews and
bankers into participating in a European genocide in which 60 million of our
own people were killed, we should somehow feel that we should pay even
more tribute to the monsters who perpetrated these atrocities, then covered them
up. By this reckoning we are supposed also to forget the Americans who died
falsely for a lie too while helping to kill their brethern, instead of, for instance, arresting and trying the real
criminals, seizing their assets, and carrying out just sentence.
As far as the Africans are concerned, who were brought to the shores of America, in every case, by a jewish- owned slave ship, we, who are in no way responsible and in fact freed the slaves, are falsely presented as the authors of the slave trade in Jewish- made movies. This is especially hypocritical when one considers the fact that at the present time, Israel is a world center for white sex slaverly, using Eastern European women and chlidren, and apparently no one could care less because of the ethnicity of the victims.
In the interests of not being "racist" we also are supposed to ignore the more than 90 percent white victims of interracial crime in America and the promotion and cover up of this crime in the jewish media. We are even supposed to be "tolerant" of the jewish- made pornography featuring white woman being abused by non-whites that is used to incite crimes against European women.
As far as the Africans are concerned, who were brought to the shores of America, in every case, by a jewish- owned slave ship, we, who are in no way responsible and in fact freed the slaves, are falsely presented as the authors of the slave trade in Jewish- made movies. This is especially hypocritical when one considers the fact that at the present time, Israel is a world center for white sex slaverly, using Eastern European women and chlidren, and apparently no one could care less because of the ethnicity of the victims.
In the interests of not being "racist" we also are supposed to ignore the more than 90 percent white victims of interracial crime in America and the promotion and cover up of this crime in the jewish media. We are even supposed to be "tolerant" of the jewish- made pornography featuring white woman being abused by non-whites that is used to incite crimes against European women.
Activist: Generally a person who supports causes that help non-
whites because this is considered fashionable. When a certain person who had made three albums on what is really
happening in Palestine was told there was no such thing as anti- white crime
and she disagreed, explaining that on 4 occasions blacks had held guns to
her head, she was called a "racist", and even a "liar", and thrown out of an anti Zionist
group. Number of times I have seen a non- white person who was
even vaguely concerned about the Marxist Zionist led white genocide now occurring
in South Africa? ZERO.
White Supremacism: Where everyone else grossly exaggerates
the achievements of their race and lies about history in order to do so while at the same times doing eveything they can to diminish and even erase our history and achievements, even to the point of trying to remove mention of astronauts from scientific texts because they are of European ethnicity.. This is considered perfectly acceptable.. In fact, generally, a number of people who call themselves our
people (falsely), join in with this sick effort. Any European who does not go along with this Jewish led European Hating Agenda is a “white
supremacist” and a "Nazi" (see above), or a "Hater".
"Hater": Anyone who tells the truth.
The Truth: Hate.
What passes for an argument
with those who HAVE no rational argument..
-Foul personal abuse (frequent). This often will include attacks which focus upon one's intelligence and one's appearance, or attempts to sexually degrade one (especially if one is a woman) . What is almost always conspicuously lacking is any specific rational or factual argument.
-Appeals to irrelevant credentials as a sort of false authority or suggesting that
another person supposedly lacks experience or credentials.
-The use of jargon terms to make utter nonsense appear pseudo-
-The “I am a man or older or wiser than you” non- argument
-The “I know famous people” argument.
-"I saw it on the Talmud vision (jewish- controlled media)" At
least this is amusing…
-The jewish “god” said so.
Well tubby, Egypt is in Africa you know. We could as easily swap that picture you have up there with the pyramids, and then your argument would would amount to Sh!t, just like your brain. Academic, my a$$ - you're a 3rd rate passive aggressive bigot.
ReplyDeleteNo one has ever accused me of being "passive" aggressive before for obvious reasons and I would guess that since you call me "tubby" you are so yourself and trying to take it out upon someone. If you are of about the same level as Martin Bernal, a jew who wrote the book "Black Athena",that is sad. Actually Cleopatra, for example, was a Ptolemaic Greek. This is a matter of historical fact. Bernal's basis for saying that the European Greek Goddess, Athena, was black, was that he has seen Greek vases showing Athena with her skin dark but with European features. He was either lying or was not aware of the fact that Attic black figure pottery had added white for the skin, which sometimes does not last and is partially removed by time. The pyramids, which have no Egyptian carvings inside, have been geologically dated to a time approximately 10,000 years ago. As far as Egyptians being black Africans is concerned, this only happened at the very end of their civilization when they had been overrun.
ReplyDeleteDeleted my comment because it made you look bad? Of course you would,tubby, because you and the likes of you are cowards to the bone. Skoll, you bigoted Biatch!
ReplyDeleteWho is the coward? (-: Dozens of foul and sexually explicit comments by you but you don't dare use your name..
ReplyDeleteYou forgot Cartago, a city who become a menace to Rome. You forgot Egypt, "just" 5 thousand years of civilization. And the Ptolomaic disnaty are from Macedonia, not Greece.
ReplyDeleteNo, actually I did not forget any of these places, and the fact is that Macedonians were Nordic Greeks, Carthaginians were also white, as were the most ancient Egyptians very obviously. It is only in the very latest dynasties in which the Egypt became completely overrun and mixed by and with Africans and their civilization died shortly very thereafter. In ancient times, the original civilization was undoubtedly Nordic as well although there had been race mixing at some point that was less extreme than that in the last dynasties, and there also was the habit of marking out the name of predecessors and replacing them with one's own name, on monuments that more ancient Egyptians had built. The Ptolemaic Greeks who ruled for a time were completely Caucasian. Perhaps you do not realize that the modern Greeks, who were overwhelmed by Semitic Turks, were originally Caucasian, most especially the Macedonians.
DeleteHere is a Carthaginian coin. http://8170.pbworks.com/f/1302009346/Carthaginian%20Coin.jpg
ReplyDeleteEat my shorts