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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Prayer to Sunna

"A Prayer to Sunna" by Seana Fenner von Fenneberg

Grant that I might experience your joy this day;
May your reason darkness expel with truth.
Let me feel the embrace of thy sacred rays,
Or gift of steadfast heart in shade, or courage to stand aloof.

In twilight we remember your impending eyes’;
Return to paint with glowing light the whispering sea.
Bringing rejoicing birds to riotous songs, and ravens cries,
Revealing in darkest forest, the future’s path and key.

In your glory Frigga weaves the clouds with silver threads,
Making mountains in the sky,
Until you clothe them in rosy gold and reds,
The advent of Heavens wheel of stars, turning mist to wolves’ celestial eyes.

There thou and the Sky Father to revel in your creation meet;
Yggsdrasil’s communion drawing us to you in Sleep.

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